Friday, October 30, 2009

ELF Already At Target!!!

I read on the net that some Target stores were already carrying the Elf line. I was sort of bummed when I realized I would be traveling when the line was launching so I went into my local "tarjay" to see if they were at my store and lo and behold it was. It was an end shelf display and the prices ranged from, of course $1.00 to $10.00 for boxed sets.

Naturally most of the $1.00 items were already gone, dang folks work fast. It was mostly brushes based on the label. The packages were $3.00, $5.00 and $10.00 and in true Elf fashion, the price corresponds with the amount of items in the pack respectively.

One of the $10.00 packs included brushes applicators, false lashes, eyeshadow etc.

I didn't purchase anything on this trip to Target, but I will when I return next week.